What is firewall in Networking | Types of Firewall and How does it works

What is Firewall in Networking

The firewall in networking is a secured wall between the public and the private network. It protects your internal network from the user of an external network. The firewall may consist of hardware or software or both. This device can be configured in such a way that the public network (internet) cannot access the private network and private network cannot access the certain resources of the public network. The firewall in the computer network helps in securing the intranet computers from being accessed by hackers. But, the question is, how does a firewall work, what are the types of firewall. Everything I am going to explain here with an example.

firewall in networking and its types


How does a firewall work

The firewall in networking uses three different tools to protect your Network:

  • Hiding IP Address
  • Port Filtering
  • Packet Filtering

Hiding IP Address:

It is the common technique of protecting a network by hiding the real IP addresses of the internal network systems from the internet. So, if hackers don’t know your real IP address its not possible for them to hack your computer. You can hide an IP address either using NAT or a proxy server.

Port Filtering:

The second most common firewall tool is port filtering also known as port blocking. Port filtering involves preventing TCP or UDP packets to pass through any port other than those prescribed by the network administrator.

Packet Filtering:

Packet filtering blocks the incoming or outgoing packet from a particular IP address or a range of IP Addresses. It can block any outgoing IP address better because the administrator knows the IP addresses of the internal system and can specify it. It is also known as IP filters.

Types of Firewall in Networking

  • Hardware Firewall
  • Software Firewall

Hardware Firewall:

It is a hardware device that is basically placed in the gateway of a network from where the traffic is coming in and going out from the network. The hardware firewall can protect the entire network from external threats.

Software Firewall:

It is basically a software which is installed on your computer. It can only protect a single system but not the entire network. If you are a windows user, you might have noticed the firewall is by default install into your computer, and it’s on.

What is Firewall in Networking and How does a Firewall work | Video Tutorial with an example

What is Firewall in Networking | How does a firewall works & its types | Full Explained with Example

So, guys, this is all about what is a firewall in networking and how does a firewall work. If you want us to make any changes, feel free to let us know your feedback in the comment section below.

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